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Stoke-ed concave
Stoke-ed word
Stoke-ed deck
Stoke-ed bottom

Italo Ferreira's

new STOKE-ED model

All of Italo's models have been hand crafted to be the most forgiving high performance models on the market. Timmy and Italo have become masters of hiding foam in all the right places. Making it easy to perform and come out of some radical positions in the wave while maintaining top speeds. This model comes standard in medium full rail. Has a lower nose rocker, and the bottom runs from a single to slight double concave that fades into subtle vee off the tail. We have a tiny bit of kick running off the tail rocker that will help release in the steeper sections of the wave. You also can go wider and that will get you more volume fit in since your going to want to go an inch or two shorter on this model. There is more width in the nose with this outline so you don't want to order to thick since you got that bit of extra volume already.


 This is to be considered your day to day grinder, for waves from the small knee high days up to the solid overhead draining days. Ridden best as a squash tail and can be ridden as swallow or round tail for custom orders



*Italo likes to ride his Stoke-ed model one inch shorter and goes .19 wider than his IF15 model.

Stoke-ed rocker

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T.Patterson Surfboards

1421 N El Camino Real unit F

San Clemente, CA 92672


*Custom Surfboard orders are 4-6 week  minimum at this time*


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